Yes, time must truly go by when you are having fun!! Well, I woke up this morning early with giving thanks on my mind. So....Please allow me and feel free to stop reading at any moment.
I am thankful for a clearer relationship to my Creator than I have had in 53 years. I am thankful for the 34 years I have had with Rick and for the fact that we are in love and learning each day we are together. I am thankful for my 3 sons, 3 daughters, and 3 grandchildren. I am NOT very thankful that they live so far away, especially because my grands went with them! But I AM thankful that their parents are still together, love eachother and have raised AMAZING children! I am thankful that each one of my family members are healthy of body if not of mind, although I think most of them are that too. I am thankful, yes boys thankful, for the job your father has only because it affords us to be able to see you and spend $$ on all our children and grands, even though as adults you are not so willing to let us help. Yes, I woke up thankful this morning for many things, a few of which are, relationships, knowledge, health, children, happiness, home and yes even the "G" word. So, in that vein, I say "thank you" to all for allowing us a part in your lives, a closeness we cherish, a love shared, a happiness you give to us in several dimensions, and the welcome we always receive from you.