I just finished a week fostering 5 five week old kittens and then having the horrible duty of adopting them out! I use to think that fostering animals might be a fun thing. NOT. It WAS fun feeding them and watching them all lay face down, flat out on the platter, protecting their liitle small space of food, fun being their own personal jungle gym 3 times a day while they climbed, rolled around and fell all over each other.....fun to watch them do that "halloween cat" look with their backs arched and fur standing up jumping towards eachother....fun to doctor their little crusted eyes....fun to watch them all form one little ball of fur as they curled up to sleep. But to separate them from eachother and take them to different places yesterday left me rather melancoly. Hmmmmm......seems like I have done this before sometime in my life....oh yeah! My own children!!! Deja Vu.
I am learning lately, that to live in the NOW and enjoy what you have and what comes your way, and pay attention to your life and your day, to breath in the present and not live in the past OR the future , IS what life needs to be all about. Well, easier said than done most times, but they (and who ARE "they") say that practice makes perfect. But to even be AWARE of the need to practice living to the fullest is a difficult and thoughtful task. A needy and noble one however if we are to live to the fullest. I am sitting on my back porch this morning (thank you APPLE) and a hummingbird is less than 3 feet away from me trying to get nectar from my pansies....I guess failure and figuring it out is a part of ALL of nature....even for this confused little hummer! To fail and not figure is the futillity I think. So! Live life peeps!!! Stop. Look. Listen. There is so much to be heard.