You know....Facebook has its good stuff, myspace too, and all the things you can "do" on each of them....but somehow, still, no one is talking!!! No one shares their heart, thoughts, moods, questions, answers, problems, laughter.....it is just a quick fix to the rapidly dying art of writing....of journaling....of having to actually take more than the few seconds (FB) to communicate the depths of your soul.....it takes TIME....EFFORT....THOUGHT....all of which are in short supply these fast paced days....SO....
I am back.....back from the land of the LOST art of speak. I enjoy this, even if no one in this entire busy world reads it! I am back for my own sanity, for my own enjoyment, for my own knowledge and growth, for a look into more than the 2 sentence space on FB and MS. Oh, they have their niche, each one of them...it just so happens that the deeper niche is here....where you must take all the above and incorporate them in your own life in order to appreciate what is said from others hearts and souls to yours...that is ...IF you are willing to listen....