INTERACTING - "to ACT in unison or agreement with others", "transmit thoughts or feelings", take part in social activities with others", "display excessive love or show excessive gratitude towards others", get involved so as to alter or hinder an action", keep company with or hang out with". These things do require, for the most part, our "being with " the other person. I guess you COULD interact without the human touch, but how much more fulfilling and expressive is a touch from a human hand, or a look from the human soul? Those you don't get with the I.Ming we do these days. Although I will readily admit that at times we have communicated more "freely" using the I.M. method than the "in-your-face" method! I HAVE learned a LOT about my children since these blogs started that I would NEVER have known otherwise. And for THAT, I am truly grateful for the internet access we all have today. However, the closness we had in the "old days" was based on a physical closeness that came from going to grandmas house or over to the neighbors house and playing cards or wahoo! By spending time fishing together or cooking together in the kitchen. And yet, I think that no matter what age, it truly depends on the person as to whether or not there will be a closeness.....because, as I have said, I have gotten to know my children in a new way and that is a true treasure for a mom of boys! So, all this to say that I LOVE getting to know my family in this way, but always prefer it when I can give them a hug, not a yellow smiley face on a flat screen!!! Keep up the good interaction boys and I will see you soon to catch up on hugs!! P.s. Luke, I didn't get to give you one last time, so there will be several waiting for you next time!!
= - )
For the SPELL CHECK NAZIS, my apple is not responding to it, so there IS NONE!!
"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the tradewinds in your sails. Explore.Dream.Discover." twain
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Yes...we have had 3 days of ice and 2 inches left on the ground. Rick had a unforgettable experience yesterday upon his return from 4 days in Denver, when he had to get a cab to bring him home from the airport because I wouldn't get out to get him because of the ice and the fact that our driveway is at a 90 degree angle and that a pond is located in the perfect place for our car to slide backwards down the driveway INTO it!! Anyway, he phoned to say he was coming and so I waited...and took him 30 minutes to take a 10 minute ride!! As I was passing by the front window I saw him walking past our mailbox pulling his suitcase behind him!!! His cab driver would not go down our street because of the ice and the angle and so dumped him off at the edge of our edition!! He walked down hill for 2 blocks on 2 inches of ice!!! Quite a sight to see....he said "the f@*#*!ing towel head was a
moron" or something to that effect. He made it and I was glad to see another human for the first time in 4 days!!! It is beautiful though...and reminds me of this...."by the breath of God ice is given and the breadth of the waters is frozen." "He gives to the earth snow like a blanket of wool; He scatters the hoarfrost like ashes. He casts forth His ice like crumbs; who can stand before His cold?" Again, I am shone what a small "breath" from God can do to our "advanced" society.
I spent most of those days packing up the unnecessary items in our house, so that we can put it on the market and prepare to move to Stillwater. Yes, according to Ricky, we are moving there to give it a go. I would believe it, but for the fact that I don't. I have dreamed of living there for so long that to finally begin to head that direction is surreal to say the least. I am doing the things necessary to accomplish this goal in a rather mechanical way. Maybe my dream will come true and maybe it won't, but either way, I will be prepared. Wish us luck in selling our house. If we actually SELL it, it will only further my strong belief in miracles in the 21st century, given the market today.... Ciao!
I spent most of those days packing up the unnecessary items in our house, so that we can put it on the market and prepare to move to Stillwater. Yes, according to Ricky, we are moving there to give it a go. I would believe it, but for the fact that I don't. I have dreamed of living there for so long that to finally begin to head that direction is surreal to say the least. I am doing the things necessary to accomplish this goal in a rather mechanical way. Maybe my dream will come true and maybe it won't, but either way, I will be prepared. Wish us luck in selling our house. If we actually SELL it, it will only further my strong belief in miracles in the 21st century, given the market today.... Ciao!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Friday, January 05, 2007
Response to heyfoxymophandlemomma
Getting older is key, but aquiring WISDOM is the goal...For new years, dad and I gorged ourselves on all the food we could find that was bad for us, gorged on as much of 24 as we could stand and hit the hay. Changes...nothing much you can do about the government except vote, but it is YOU that you CAN change. And CHANGE takes time = getting old=getting wise= growing up=changing thoughts on LOTS of subjects, including,but not limited to, religious affiliation!!! Hind sight IS so much better!! That is why it is incredibally backwards to me that the wisdom comes in your life when you have already screwed up so much!! Why can't we have kids AFTER we have wisdom?!!! By the time you get a little wise about life, it is almost over!! Where is the saneness in that?! And your kids don't/won't/can't listen to you and your sage advice, you have to keep your mouth SHUT and let THEM fall through the cracks and work their way out just like you did in order to GET the dad-gum wisdom, so that they can't share it with THEIR kids!! Go figure. All that to say, Josh, that AGAIN, I AM SORRY!!! But I did what I thought was best at the time with the limited life experiences that I had. Hopefully YOU have learned from these mistakes, but don't take it to the extreme. Church is not "bad". People, including ALL of us, are "bad", and unfortunately, we make up the church, as well as the world we live in! The same with the "corporate bullshit world" you have chosen to live in...YOU don't have to BE that, YOU can change, YOU can be different, YOU can be satisfied and pleased with how you live YOUR life. THEY WILL NOT CHANGE, BUT YOU CAN! Again, the corporate world, the "church", the "club", the anything contains humanity in it and that will ALWAYS screw anything up, but it doesn't mean there is no hope. You go to work don't you? Why? There are hypocritic, bullshitting, lying thiefs there, just like there are at church or the grocery store or the cub scouts!! SO??? It is about YOU. What are YOU doing with YOUR life to be at peace with yourself and your creator. What are you doing with YOUR family that will make a difference in their lives? Your friends lives? Your co-workers lives? The lady at the check-out counters life? In wise words spoken by other brillant lyrists.....who are you? who? who? who?who? It doesn't matter who the rest of them are or what THEY are doing.
I LOVE these blogs!! They have truly been great for dad and I since everyone lives so far away. I feel like we can have some of the most truthful conversations we have ever had and I love them. I get to see pictures, hear thoughts, see excitement, hear whats on your mind....what else in life matters but family, friends and faith? You can always quite your job, like you can quite church (or as I would rather say, your spiritual pursuits), but you will become bankrupt soon in both areas. How's that gonna work for you? It truly amazes me that everyone can quite the church because of the people that go there, but they won't do the same with their jobs. Why? There is no difference. Think about it. And don't give me any grief for us not "going to a church". Give it to your dad!! We don't go to a physical building maybe, but we continue to grow spiritually by other means. Okay. I better stop. Tag. Your turn.
I LOVE these blogs!! They have truly been great for dad and I since everyone lives so far away. I feel like we can have some of the most truthful conversations we have ever had and I love them. I get to see pictures, hear thoughts, see excitement, hear whats on your mind....what else in life matters but family, friends and faith? You can always quite your job, like you can quite church (or as I would rather say, your spiritual pursuits), but you will become bankrupt soon in both areas. How's that gonna work for you? It truly amazes me that everyone can quite the church because of the people that go there, but they won't do the same with their jobs. Why? There is no difference. Think about it. And don't give me any grief for us not "going to a church". Give it to your dad!! We don't go to a physical building maybe, but we continue to grow spiritually by other means. Okay. I better stop. Tag. Your turn.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Happy Gas
That stuff needs to be LEGALIZED!!! I just got off of 3 1/2 hours of the high that you will get on this side without the side affects of brain damage!! Wow....So much you can see with eyes that you can't see....soul and spirit can't be verbalized in terms we can hear or is a totally different plane than we are on and what matters in the spirit doesn't matter in the body....You get it try to get it hear, but it cannot be penetrated with our weak tools.....calcified, we are calcified here and must dig past the calcification to feel the other side... to get it....wish I could just hook that stuff up and tote it around with me like the lung patience do their oxygen!!!! Maybe a back pack of it....peace out and now for the percodan.....
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