“Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs... since the payment is pure love.”
“Other things may change us, but we start and end with family”
"There's a lot more to being a woman than being a mother, but there's a hell a lot more to being a mother than most people suspect”
'Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. "
"Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.'
These are just a sampling of what others have said about mothers. Kind and true. I am not a "believer" in "Mothers Day" in the traditional sense as you well know, but instead have had to learn that for ME, Mothers Day is ANY DAY that I either see my children, or speak to my children, or read their blogs, or an email is sent to me specifically. Each one of these moments in time holds so much meaning now for me.....I am sure that this is an evolutionary thing since all my kids live 10 or more hours away. But I believe, now, that it is a good evolution. One from dependency on expectations to delight in the experience. The shackle of Hallmarks "Days" are at times, emotional bondage! Not only upon the receiver, but upon the giver as well. I have long told my children that I am not fond of "days" where people feel obligated to "remember" someone for a something! I love it when I am "remembered" when dad and I go through a hard time in our marriage. I love it when I am "remembered" with a phone call or email to just see whats up! I love it when I am "remembered" by being very welcomed into your homes and fed great meals and good conversations! I love it when I am "remembered" enough to be trusted keeping your children in my care, whether it is for one evening while you are out, or while you are out on vacation for a week! This does NOT take away ANY of the offerings of love you sincerely give me for Mothers Day!! Those have always been and always WILL be very sacred and treasured by me. I just wish there was no added pressure of a certain calender "day" with which all of us are somehow, no matter HOW we try to deny it, slave to. Yes, yes, I am psyco, but ....... we all know the obligation of a "day". A day to work, a day to mow the yard, do the laudry, pay the bills!! There are certain days and feelings you should not clump together on a DAY! Too many have been too hurt for too long by either being obligated to a day, or being hurt because OF a day, or been riddled with guilt because of a dadgum DAY!!! Love because you DO. Live because you CAN. I love you ALL and "happy each- and- every- day -any- of- my -children- touch -my- life -DAY"!!!
Hi Ma. Happy Mom's Day! This statement in your blog: " One from dependency on expectations to delight in the experience."; is very cool. I think this is the best definition of all 3 of our lives. Thanks for the expectations but more importantly thanks for being along with us to delight in the experience!
Happy mothers day anyway. Quit thinking so much and just live! We love you!
Don't forget you're an awesome Auntie, as well! (My favourite, to boot...)
Love you.
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