we just finished the whole series this weekend and it has truly affected our lives.....we found humor, laughter, pain, tragedy, and surprise all within this series....it took our hearts and minds where no other show has taken them...we will never look at death OR life quite the same...here are just a few of the bits of wisdom and humor you will encounter.....
"The future is just a fucking concept that we use to avoid living today."
"Why do people have to die?
To make life important. None of us know how long we've got. Which is why we have to make each day matter."
" Well, isn't it comforting to know that being miserable is still better than being an idiot?"
"If we live our lives the right way then everything we do can become a work of art."
"You hang on to your pain like it means something. Like it's worth something. Well, let me tell you - it's not worth shit. Let it go! Infinite possibilities, and all he can do is whine."
"David: Well, what am I supposed to do?
Nathaniel Fisher: What do you think? You can do *anything*, you lucky bastard - you're alive! What's a little pain compared to that?
David: It can't be that simple.
Nathaniel Fisher: What if it is?"
"I know that if you think life's a vending machine where you put in virtue and take out happiness than you're going to be disappointed."
Brenda:"So... how's it going?
Nate: Oh, it's great... great. My father's dead, my mom's a whore, my brother wants to kill me, and my sister's smoking crack. I think I win."
Claire:"I wish I was gay.
David: Ohh, no.
Claire: Well, then I wouldn't have to deal with unfamiliar sex organs!
David: They're all unfamiliar unless they're yours."
"[Nathaniel and Nate are looking at his tombstone]
Nathaniel: Is that the best anybody could come up with - "Father, Husband, Caregiver"?
Nate: How would you prefer it - "Introvert, Sadist, Mindfucker"? "
The first statement is the definition of procrastination. WE can think of some folks' headstone we'd plaster the last statement on.
Oh, also...this is why you buy H freaking BO! You become wrapped up in the show and it's something to look forward too. You both have ADD and have to cram the shit into 48 hours. Too much info...have to digest...over time...
u r right.......you win.....
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