This time of year has always seemed to be hard for me....go figure, I seem to make life harder than others believe it should be.....however, holidays have always seemed sad, rushed, commercial, busy, traumatic, blah-blah-blah. So trying to keep ones head above the water of life at times takes all the mental, emotional and spiritual capacity one can muster! I try to just keep an even keel, breath deep, and focus on the good things ( the most difficult part for me!) and get through it. However, I am tired of just "getting through" things and want to really "enjoy?" them....really convincing you aren't I !!? I'm actually trying to convince myself of the possibility of "enjoying" holidays, this one in particular. So I read, think, pray, and try to keep busy and mind occupied with something besides the sorrow that always seems to seep out.....don't really care for Christmas cards, except the ones with my kids pictures on them, the others are too "hallmark"...too unreal and apart from the world as I see it....nevertheless ( I love that word!), here is the closest thing to a card I would like to send. And MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Whatever MERRY and CHRISTMAS means to you, may you ENJOY it!!
"Oh Son of the Most High, Prince of Peace, be born again into our world. Wherever there is war in this world, wherever there is pain, wherever there is loneliness, wherever there is no hope, come long-expected one, with healing in Your wings.
Holy Child, who the shepherds and the kings and the dumb beasts adored, be born again. Wherever there is boredom, wherever there is fear of failure, wherever there is temptation too strong to resist, wherever there is bitterness of heart, come oh blessed One with healing in Your wings.
Saviour, be born in each of us who raises his face to Your face, not knowing fully who he is or who You are, knowing only that Your love is beyond his knowing and that no other has the power to make him whole. Come, Lord Jesus, to each who longs for You even though he has forgotten your name...come quickly."
it can be sad to think of those that aren't with us, but I have to focus on those that are--my baby boy. Besides--Christ became flesh (gave up His heavenly throne) to save the World! And the world celebrates this even if they don't admit it--Christ is reigning. We're coming to cheer you up anyway--love you.
Thank s Em!!!!
Happy Christmas!!
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