Saturday, February 23, 2008

Flu season....

I have been privey to the famous flu bug this past week...2 days and 3 nights in the bed writhing in pain felt to the bottom of your bones....have eaten 1/2 sleeve of crackers and 1/2 bottle of grape juice in the past 50 plus hours...felt like someone named Goliath standing on my stomach...vile things better left unmentioned spuing from either end uncontrolably....and now Ricky has started his round this in any great marriage, we share everything...except now I have decided to NOT share his and the dogs are in the back room hunkered down waiting for the first fatal part to blow over....or out I should say.....All this just as I blasted the flu shot on Todd's blog....What a great way to spend a weekend!!!
"In times of sickness the soul collects itself anew.""


Luke...Heidi...Brooke....Jake said...

what a better time to listen to the son "goliath" Get better before you get here next week.

T-Man said...

Hope you get to feeling better, this flu bug this year is an ass kicking. I still have a nagging cough after 3 weeks of this crap! Hang in there....