Saturday, January 01, 2011


who has made your life worth living for...#7. In the beginning it was my boys. My boys turned into my grandchildren...then after a cataclysmic separation from my husband of 36 years, it has now shifted my world to where it should have been all those husband.....not only does he make my life worth living, but makes living here tolerable....nay, more bearable. You see, being born a melancholic person there are days when there is simply nothing here that seems to make it tolerable to stay on this side of that dark curtain. The perceived or real pain makes this side of life very unbearable to the mind...and to the heart at times. So, at times there simply seems like there is nothing that would make this life worth living for. Upon second glance, and I do have to take many more of those than most people, there are things that indeed make my life in need of living....thank you Rick, for staying with me, for walking beside me, for holding my hand and my head during those times when to my way of thinking it is not worth it.....

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