Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Well, in the words of Cartman..."screw you,I'm going home." We have made a critical decision as far as our dream of living on the farm...we decided to just live OUR lives how we want/need to live them. Sorry you 4 who voted for your share of the $$, but you will have to wait until our untimely death to recieve your inheritance...then YOU can live YOUR dreams! We will keep OUR dream intact and ponder the correct time to build our log home there on the land that your ancestors grew up on. Grandma was tellig me yesterday about all the days she can remember climbing in the tree that is next to Fritz's barn, to read her books. I have my memories there, you and your children do as well. You will have to decide for yourselves what YOU want to do with it..as for me and my house, we are keeping it.I have lived ALL my life for someone else, and this has been my dream since I was a child...not gonna give it up so easily just for the almighty dollar, as we Americans are so set on doing most of the time!Seems like not much is sacred anymore..well to me, my land IS.
Had some tornados blow through here last night with some much needed rain...and some cool air to boot! No more 90's!! Dad's foot is good, I am getting a root canal today, the dogs say hello and all is well.


Anonymous said...

Man, 2 entries is a couple of days. You ok down there? Need to take a break, get a soda or something??? Good for you that you made a decision. And a root canal to boot?! Nice job.
Keep up the blogging. It's good to know what you're doing. I'm no psycho-analyst, but could the farm that this alleged "big decision" be the reason you guys were "going through a tough time"? Not that it matters, but I'm happy and support your desicion.


Thanks for your support! And no,I don't need a break! YOU started this, they can blame YOU for my ramblings now! And no, that is not why we were going through a tough time...did dad say we were? Anyway,ask your dad why we are..I'd like to see his answer here and not mine! And where are your daily posts?

Micah said...

Take a picture of the tree before they cut it down.

Anonymous said...

glad to hear you won't "sell out" and you are doing what you want! It's amazing to me how parents will do anything for their adult kids at the sacrifice of their own desires and their own dreams. Guess I am just a little too selfish-but I'll be damned if I would give up my dream b/c my kid wants some money.